In May 1980, a small group of municipal officials met at the Warminster Township municipal building to discuss the need for improved communication and cooperation among local governments in the Bucks County. The representatives in attendance were:
- Stanley Gawel, Manager, Warminster Township
- John O. Danenberger, Manager, Upper Southampton Township
- Robert M. Pellegrino, Assistant Manager, Borough of Doylestown
- D. Bruce Townsend, Manager Northampton Township
- Richard Simmons, Assistant Manager, Warrington Township
- Robert Bender, Manager, New Britain Township
Following a lively discussion about the many areas of common interest among municipalities, the group agreed to meet monthly and share information about personnel policies and practices, collective bargaining issues, roadway maintenance, pension plan administration, finances, taxation, unfunded legislative mandates, and the nature of development activities.
The group also agreed to take advantage of the bulk purchasing power of local government and jointly purchase rock salt, with Doylestown Borough serving as coordinator for the bidding and contract administration. Upper Southampton agreed to bid traffic line paint, Warrington would bid storm sewer piping materials, and New Britain would bid road materials.
Since the initial meeting of those six municipalities, the Bucks County Consortium has grown to include 38 communities. Beginning as an informal gathering of local government leaders, it has become a forum for intergovernmental cooperation and communication among many of the 52 incorporated municipalities in the County.
Today the Consortium operates under Articles of Agreement adopted by the membership.
Monthly meetings are generally held on the first Thursday of each month in the Central Bucks County area and include expert presentations on a wide variety of timely and informative subjects relevant to local government.
Any local government or municipal authority in Bucks County is eligible to participate in Consortium programs or projects by resolution of the governing body of that entity.